Police Inspector interview preparation course in Hong Kong in English
One-to-one practice for the Extended and the Final Interview at the Hong Kong Police Force
Whether you are a policeman now and want a promotion or you are currently working in another field but would like to change your career and become a Police Inspector, PI, you need to increase your competitiveness for each part of the interview, including the extended interview and the final interview.
Depending on your specific needs and skill level, we are going to practice the impromptu talk and discuss current topics related to the public life in HK, practise self-introduction, discuss leadership and management principals and other interview elements for the extended interview and other stages on the Police Inspector recruitment process.
As a Police Inspector, your job will include supervisory and operational duties and so your leadership, decision making, presentation skills will be judged at the interview. You need to be able to demonstrate both practical and abstract thinking which is difficult for most candidates and needs longer time to develop.
Don't wait with the preparation until you get shortlisted and be invited to attend the recruitment examination and interview. Plan ahead to keep time to develop your communication skills, English language proficiency, cognitive ability and presentation skills.

Extended Interview for Police Inspector post
The extended interview at the Police Force may have different exercises:
3, management exercise
4, leadership exercise
For the Extended Interview we will practice impromptu talk, group discussion and maybe prepare for the Management Exercise. We focus to develop and demonstrate the attitude and skills they require: leadership and management skills, values and personality, motivation, general knowledge, good judgement, being a good team member and effective communication skills. We also discuss general knowledge and topic related to the Hong Kong public life.

Final Interview Board
On this section of your interview process you will meet a Senior Superintendent of Police and two Superintendents of Police. They will ask questions to personally judge your leadership potential, motivation, values and personality, communication, judgement, general knowledge and management potential. We go through the typical interview questions and answers if you want like weaknesses, strengths, past work experience, future career plan, educational background, why you left your job etc.
In the interview course we can practice for a self introduction and handling expected and unexpected questions and challenges.